National Mill Dog Rescue: Transforming Tragedy into a Movement for Humane Treatment of Animals

Theresa Strader founded the National Mill Dog Rescue in 2007 after the plight of her Italian Greyhound, Lily, highlighted the immense suffering in puppy mills. Lily’s initial seven years were spent as a breeding dog, confined to a small, cold wire cage in a barn, devoid of exercise or social interaction. Her existence revolved solely around producing litter after litter.

Lily’s life was a testament to the abuse rampant in commercial breeding. Neglected veterinary care led to severe dental issues and mammary tumors, a consequence of years spent in deplorable conditions. Her rescue marked a turning point.

Despite the neglect she endured, the Strader family showered Lily with love and necessary medical attention. Lily’s passing, in May 2008, surrounded by affectionate arms, prompted Theresa to address the root cause of such suffering.

In an impassioned letter to a breeder named Martha, Theresa articulated the anguish witnessed on Martha’s property, condemning the inhumane treatment of dogs in puppy mills. The letter, while directed at Martha, aimed to resonate with anyone involved in similar practices.

Lily’s legacy lives on through Theresa’s advocacy. Her story shed ligh

t on the cruelties of puppy mills, driving efforts to reform the industry and ensure the humane treatment of animals.

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