The poor dog lay half alive and half dead on the ground, in terrible conditions

There are not many decent individuals in the world and the ones who exist deserve to be valued. Especially the ones that are kind towards animals too. Well, we have proof in the shape of a video that has gone crazily viral online.

In the film, a man rescued an injured dog that was laying unconscious on a busy road. His unselfish deed has won hearts on the internet.

The now-viral video was published on YouTube by a Channel named Kartavya Society. In the film, a man and woman stopped on the side of a busy road when they observed a dog laying still. Automobiles were passing over it and practically no one appeared to see the dog.

The duo felt that the dog was dead and wanted to give it a decent burial. But, when the man came closer to it, he discovered that the pooch was alive. He swiftly took it up in his arms and ran to the vet’s office.

The poor dog was unconscious due of a head injury and was bleeding as well. The vet called Parag Pandya treated it after careful evaluation. And happily, the dog healed. And do you want to know what the hairy doggo was named? Miracle! Very appropriate!

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