Fragile yet Resilient: Teetering on Death’s Edge, This Brave Dog Overcomes Hardship and Discovers Renewed Life.

Sassy, a weak and malnourished puppy, was found on the streets with a host of health problems. With the help of the Dumaguete Animal Sanctuary rescue team, Sassy embarked on a challenging journey towards recovery and a new life.

The rescue team arrived just in time to save Sassy, who was close to death due to her weak condition. She had been living on the streets without love or care from anyone. The treatment process was difficult, requiring both the rescue team and the veterinarian to put forth a great deal of effort.

Initially, Sassy was too weak to eat, but the rescue team managed to entice her with some chicken. They monitored her closely and provided her with IV treatments to help her regain strength. Over time, her condition improved and her red blood cell count began to rise.

Throughout her recovery, Sassy faced several challenges, including collapsed veins and diarrhea caused by roundworms and a protozoan infection. The rescue team addressed each issue with patience and determination, allowing Sassy to gain weight and return to health.

Three weeks after her rescue, Sassy’s transformation was remarkable. She became energetic and playful, even chasing away other dogs and people she didn’t recognize. Her newfound confidence earned her a spot on the “princess rug” at the shelter.

Sassy’s first adventure outside on a leash was a success, and it was announced that she would be adopted by the founder of the rescue team. This happy ending marks the beginning of a beautiful new life for Sassy, who was once so close to death.

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