From Desolation to Hope: The Heartrending Story of a Thin and Fragile Dog Left on the Streets, Determined to Discover a Blissful Home.

No animal should be exposed to harsh treatment; nevertheless, this is frequently the truth for many domestic furry pets who must unjustly suffer the hostility and bad living circumstances that their irresponsible owners put upon them.

That was the situation with a dog in Mexico City, who was constantly chained outside his family’s home, no matter how hard it poured. In fact, it was taken on tape amid a violent rain with hail, and the canine was wrapping himself in his own body to defend himself.

His owners didn’t seem to notice how chilly it was or what he had to put up with out there. However, a neighbor captured the footage and uploaded it on his Twitter account in order to make the accusation and hope that some authority would intervene.

“Once again I want to report to my neighbors that no matter the weather or the storm, they leave Leo outdoors. Animal Care Agency, please aid him, Mayor Gustavo A. Madero , ” remarked the person identifying as

This is how the official of the Animal Surveillance Brigade, Lety Varela , stated that her Twitter account had continued with the rest with the rescue of the canine. “Comrades from the Animal Surveillance Brigade of the Secretariat of Citizen Security of Mexico City, we dialogued and persuaded . The dog was previously rescued from the horrific circumstances he was in, and he is currently being followed and cared for by our physicians. “Enough with the animal brutality,” she added.

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