Its eyes are very small and are located on the top of the head, which has an open spot and is wedge-shaped .
The color of this speech is yellowish gray or light brown mottled with white specks and transversely covered with dark markings.
Saпd Boas are strong and thick spokes. They are round, heavy and fleshy rays .
Keпyaп Saпd boas have a graceful orange jump with dark eyebrow flecks that is similar to the pattern of a dairy cow.
They are peaceful and small in size with a short body. Their heads are round and bulbous with small eyes and short, rapidly moving tails .
Their tails cannot be curled as they are short and tapered. Their backs are admired for their beautiful orange and yellow colors, which are topped with dark eyebrows , while their bellies are cream or white.
Males can reach a size of 15 inches (38 cm) long, while females grow to around 26-32 inches ( 66-81 cm ) long, and can weigh around 2 pounds (0.9 kg).
A male Keпyaп Saпd Boa is smaller than a female in length .
The length of a Keпyaп Saпd Boa is 15-32 iп (38-81 cm). The size of a Saïd Boa is generally small. They are approximately 10 times larger than mice .
Sad boas can’t move very fast. This species of speech has an average speed of about 1.6 kph (1 mph).
Sad boas are carvivors, so they usually eat small mammals and can sometimes eat small birds and reptiles.