Compassionate Rescue: Injured Elephant Receives Swift Medical Aid from KWS Veterinary Team

Responding promptly to a distress call from the KWS Salaita platoon, a specialized veterinary unit rushed to the aid of an injured Elephant bull discovered limping near the roadside.

The mission, executed with precision and care, focused on addressing a significant spear wound on the right forelimb near the elbow joint.

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Utilizing a Dan inject® dart rifle for foot darting, the veterinary team efficiently administered immobilization medication.

Within 8 minutes, the Elephant was immobilized and gently lowered to sternal recumbency, ensuring a safe position for the necessary medical intervention.

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Upon close examination, the team identified a deep spear wound with oozing pus and noticeable swelling of the joint.

Acting swiftly, the wound was meticulously cleaned using a mixture of water and hydrogen peroxide. Necrotic tissues and pus were carefully removed to facilitate proper healing.

The wound received a generous application of tincture of iodine, a vital step in preventing infection and promoting recovery.

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To enhance the Elephant’s recovery, green clay was applied to cover the wound, providing a protective layer and aiding in the healing process.

Additionally, intravenous administration of dexamethasone Hcl through the ear vein addressed inflammation, ensuring the overall well-being of the Elephant.

As the procedure concluded, the anesthesia was safely reversed through the administration of diprenorphine, allowing the Elephant to regain consciousness and resume normal activities.

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This intervention exemplifies the unwavering commitment of the KWS veterinary team to safeguard the well-being of Kenya’s majestic wildlife.

The collaborative efforts between wildlife conservation teams and veterinary experts are instrumental in mitigating the impact of human-wildlife conflicts and ensuring the continued health of Kenya’s diverse and magnificent wildlife population.

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Read more Elephant News.

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