Dog Endures Nine Years of Sickness, Filth, and Chains, His Appearance Driving People Away

The initial images of Socrates shattered my heart since he lived for 9 years in disease, mud, and shackles. He was half-dead in a sack of bones and body, covered in scabies and dehydrated. His body is riddled with gaping wounds. Despite my other obligations, I couldn’t let this old guy suffer another day.

I went to Socrates the next day. That thin body was too frail to fight diseases. He appears to be in poor condition. Because his face was bloated, his eyes were severely indented. Even if I attempted it at maximum volume, he could be deaf. Fortunately, Socrates still had an appetite, which gave me optimism that I could return him to normalcy.

We got everything ready to take Socrates to the vet. I’d never dealt with a case like Socrates before, and it was a huge burden for me. I wished for a happy conclusion for this soul. The horrible thing happened on the test findings, and I never imagined he had bone cancer. His back ankle was severely malformed, and his back leg would have to be amputated.

I hoped the cancer would be treated and not spread. Socrates would first need to stay at the vet’s office for therapy to boost his weight and immune system. I had been telling him about the hard days ahead. Socrates has gained weight, has become thicker, and requires more grooming. His fur had grown a lot, and he was optimistic about his future.

I got friends with Socrates and went him in the hospital twice a day, in the morning and at night, to feed him. I didn’t cook it like that for a dog; I cook it extremely well for him. Socrates was led outside to enjoy the sights and breathe fresh air. I’m sure he enjoyed it. The battle against his diseases was like running in a loop. For two days, Socrates had a fever and diarrhea.

I was scared he had another viral infection, but he was transferred to Los Angeles to have speedier treatment for bone cancer. He would have a true family for the rest of his life.

Because of his age, doctors chose not to amputate his hind leg. Everyone wanted Socrates to live the remainder of his life without putting himself in danger. He enjoyed walking despite the difficulty.

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