Dive into the harrowing tale of two puppies left in the cold, yearning for warmth and compassion.

Our morning began with a rescue mission, but little did Nixie know that it would change her life forever. The poor pup was scared, running away and huddled up under a trailer. We guessed that she had been abandoned and beaten up by someone. But we quickly scooped her up, and she surrendered easily.

As we were taking Nixie to safety, we stumbled upon Jess, a three-month-old puppy who could be Nixie’s sister. She was hiding not too far away, with an injury to one of her eyes. We immediately took them to the vet, and luckily Jess got negative test results, as did Nixie. However, Jess could barely open her eye as it was oozing gunk.

During the rescue, Nixie enjoyed being in the shower with the warm water, and all the dirt and fleas she was carrying around were gone. Weighing just six kilos – bones under all the fluff – Nixie was a smart girl and quickly learned to toilet outside. We weren’t sure what had happened to her or why she was abandoned, but she was quickly adopted by Lucie Demetre.

As she made her way to her new home, Nixie began to gain weight and was very happy. However, Jess’s health wasn’t good, and she needed medical attention. We discovered that she was limping on her right back leg, and X-rays showed that she had a hip dislocation. Her treatment was expensive, but Laura, who had been fostering her, decided to keep her.

Despite her injury, Jess is the sweetest, most chilled-out girl, and Laura has taken her to see an eye specialist. She has settled in well at Laura’s home, and her new family is giving her all the love and care she deserves.

Nixie and Jess’s story is a reminder of the importance of animal rescue and adoption. They both had a difficult start to life, but with the help of dedicated animal lovers, they were able to find loving homes. It’s a reminder that every animal deserves a chance at a happy and healthy life, and we all have a role to play in making that happen.

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