Discover the heartwarming journey of two pit bulls seeking comfort in a shelter, only to find love and a forever home together.

Two pit bulls, Jukebox and Agatha, arrived separately at the Pima Animal Care Center in Tuscon, Arizona, and developed an inseparable bond at the shelter. Although living at the shelter was stressful for them, they found comfort in each other’s company.

The beautiful stray called Jukebox arrived at the shelter first, and one month later sweet Agatha was brought to the shelter after her owners had to give her up.

The pups soon met in a playgroup a the shelter, and they immediately realized that they were meant to be together.

They very quickly developed a clear pair bond, and once they’d found each other, they both found it easier to adjust to life at the shelter.Living at a shelter can be very stressful for some pups, and both Jukebox and Agatha were struggling with anxiety.

The shelter staff noticed their bond and knew they couldn’t separate the pair. However, finding someone to adopt both of them proved to be challenging due to their breed and their close bond. The shelter featured them on Facebook, and the post went viral, with many people sharing their story.

Eventually, Erin and Ubaldo saw the post and decided to adopt the pair. Jukebox and Agatha have now settled into their new home and have brought love and happiness to their new family ever since. They will never have to be scared or lonely again and will get to share many more adventures together.

Their new mom and dad, Erin and Ubaldo, love their new little family members from the bottom of their hearts and are amazed by the pups’ sweet and gentle personalities.

Both Agatha and Jukebox quickly settled into their new home and has brought love and happiness to each other and their new family ever since.They will never have to be scared or lonely again and will get to share many more adventures together.

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