Rescued in the Wild: A Heartwarming Tale of Nabulu’s Survival

In the expansive landscapes of the Oloisukut Conservancy in the more excellent Maasai Mara, a compelling narrative unfolded with the discovery of a lone elephant calf named Ziwadi on April 6, 2019.

Ziwadi’s journey, marked by resilience, compassion, and the healing power of love, began as Conservancy rangers noticed her wandering the vast terrain.

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Initial sightings raised concerns as Ziwadi traversed the conservancy alone. On April 7, she was spotted 10 kilometers away, wandering within community lands near the Enasoit area.

A distressing turn of events unfolded when the community, faced with the sight of a lone elephant, fired two arrows at her.

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The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) and Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) Mara Mobile Veterinary Unit intervened promptly.

The rescue mission unfolded urgently, and Ziwadi was located and physically restrained without sedation, considering her weakened state.

The veterinary team removed one arrowhead, treated her wounds, and administered antibiotics.

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Transported to Kichwa Tembo airstrip in the Mara Conservancy, a coordinated effort between the Nairobi Nursery team and an incoming aircraft marked the beginning of Ziwadi’s recovery journey.

Ziwadi’s early days in the nursery were challenging, marked by collapses due to parasites and a lack of proper care before her rescue.

Confined to her stable, she showed signs of vulnerability, gradually gaining strength to venture out.

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Despite physical and behavioral challenges, Ziwadi’s keepers exhibited patience and dedication in guiding her rehabilitation.

Unique behaviors, such as drinking water by plunging her head into troughs, became endearing idiosyncrasies that defined her personality.

During her time at the Nairobi Nursery, Ziwadi displayed remarkable resilience. Despite neurological challenges, her bouts of blindness and seizures lessened.

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Integrating with other orphans, she showcased a sweet and gentle demeanor, endearing her to caretakers and fellow elephants.

As Ziwadi continues her healing journey, the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust remains committed to providing her care, love, and support for a full recovery.

Ziwadi, meaning ‘a gift’ in Swahili, embodies the spirit of resilience and the transformative power of compassion, proving that even the most fragile among us can blossom into symbols of strength and hope.

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Read more Elephant News.

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