Man Strikes it Rich in Central Victoria: Discovers 3kg Gold Nugget Just Centimeters Below Ground with Metal Detector

It took a while to name it but everyone that looked at it was like “fair dinkum”, you know, so that’s what we called it, the fair dinkum nugget,” Mr Brown told Nine News.

Mr Brown was shocked to find out the nugget weighed in at an amazing 87-ounces and was worth $135,000

The nugget is valued at around $135,000 but Mr Brown maintains he won’t be selling it unless he can secure a cool $200,000.

Although Mr Brown’s find is large by anyone’s standard, a nugget weighing in at a whopping 256 ounces (7 kilograms) was discovered outside the same town in 1981.

Mr Brown said the first thing he did was ‘crack a can’ to celebrate his huge find

Mr Brown said ideally he would splash the cash on a new ute but he has a feeling his daughters will have other plans for the money.

“You know what it’s like when you’re married with four daughters, you don’t get to see much of that money,” he said.

With other prospectors hot on the gold trail the location Mr Brown uncovered the nugget has remained a secret

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