Fisherman accidently reels in a GIANT Crocodile which refused to let go of the line.

lovenaturePosted July 12, 2023underAmazing Nature

The spectacular moment a monster crocodile bites a fishing lure and refuses to let go in the Northern Territory has been captured on camera.

The footage, posted on Thursday to the Facebook page of Rod and Rifle Tackleworld Katherine, has been shared by more than 10,000 people in a few days.

Trent de With, who battled with the croc in the video, said it is ‘common’ to hook the animals.

‘You can accidentally hook them, this one seemed like he actually tried to eat it.’ Mr de With told Daily Mail Australia.

Trent de With, who battled with the croc in the video, said it is ‘common’ to hook the animals

‘You just fight it till the line breaks or the hooks let go. That rod and reel are good quality stuff – which makes all the difference specially when you hook a big barra you don’t won’t your gear to fail.”

Mr de With said the video was filmed on October 12 during a fishing trip with mates in which he also caught a number of large barramundi.

‘We were on the Victoria River, about three hours to the west of Katherine – a very well known fishing spot for people in Katherine,’ he said.

The footage shows the huge croc leaping out of the water more than once as it refuses to let go of the lure.

Mr de With can be heard breathing heavily while his fishing rod bends almost in two  during his battle with the creature.

Eventually the lure breaks free and the animals swims back into into the water.

‘Managed to get the lure back! Although it doesn’t track as straight as it use to.’ Mr de With captioned the video.

The footage shows the huge croc leaping out of the water more than once as it refuses to let go of the lure

Mr de With said the video was filmed on October 12 during a fishing trip with mates in which he also caught a number of large barramundi (pictured)

People who viewed the video said they were impressed with how the line held up.

‘Who says fishing isn’t a work out’ one person said.

‘Nothing to see here. Just another day fishing up north in Australia!’ another said.

‘Here I am getting busted off by bream and your pulling in crocs,’ another added.

‘That’s awesome mate , next time I’m in the Northern Territory I might have to hit you up to show us around a little,’ added a fourth.

The Northern Territory’s borders were recently re-opened to New South Wales with tourists able to visit the iconic location.

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