Although it is small, it is very fierce! The moment when the brave little eastern king chased the bald eagle to protect its nest and chicks.

While the juvenile female was learning to fly and learn about the surrounding area, she mistakenly landed in a tree near the kingbirds’ nest in Massachusetts.

The little birds then gathered together to shout at the young eagle and get it to go away, and as it did so it was chased away by a brave little kingbird.

Its red crown, which is usually hidden, becomes visible when threatened by a predator.

The young eagle was chased by a small eastern kingbird after mistakenly landing in a tree near the kingbirds’ nest in Massachusetts.

The juvenile female was learning to fly and get to know the surrounding area when she landed in the nearby tree.

The little birds gathered together to shout at the biggest bird to go away and as she did so she was chased away by a brave little kingbird.

Guilong Charles Cheng, a 43-year-old amateur photographer with a passion for wildlife, explained: “It is not typical for a kingbird to stay with the bald eagle, let alone fly right above its head.

“That kingbird was threatened by the eagle, and was literally stalking it. The red crown on the kingbird’s head shows how threatened it was.

“I have been watching the adult bald eagles building the nest since January, incubating the eggs, raising the two baby eagles, and finally watching the two baby eagles fly away.

“It was a crazy couple of seconds, but I managed to capture some photos.”

The usually hidden red crown of the Eastern Kingbird becomes visible when threatened by a predator and can be seen in photos.

Guilong Charles Cheng, a 43-year-old amateur photographer with a passion for wildlife, explained: “It is not typical for a kingbird to stay with the bald eagle, let alone fly right above its head.”

Cheng said the kingbird was “literally harassing” the eagle, as evidenced by the red crown on the kingbird’s head, showing how threatened it was.

The brave little kingbird flies close to the eagle’s head as she flies away after landing in a tree near her nest.

The young bald eagle spreads its wings as the tiny kingbird flies near its head after she landed in a tree near the kingbird’s nest.

Cheng has been watching the adult bald eagles building the nest since January, incubating the eggs and raising the two baby eagles before finally seeing the two baby eagles take flight.

The tiny kingbird flies close to the young bald eagle’s tail as he chases her after she landed near the kingbird’s nest when she was learning to fly.

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