Strange “dolphin-like creature” that appears on a Mexican beach has no eyes or fins

A strange creature with the head of a dolphin, sharp teeth and a tail as long as a sake has appeared on a beach.

Surprised locals found the mystery animal on Destiladeras Beach on Mexico’s Pacific coast, but no one could identify it.

According to local reports, the animal has no eyes, leading some to predict that it could well have come from the depths of the Pacific Ocean, where light penetrates and the eyes are not fed.

If that’s the case, they have an idea of ​​what it would have been like washed up on the beach from the depths.

According to local media, the animal was photographed after it had already been found by people walking on the beach, who initially thought it was a dead dolphin.

None of the fishermen interviewed by local media could remember seeing anything like this before.

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