40-ton whale leaps joyfully from ocean

These astonishing images show the moment a humpback whale majestically leapt from the ocean, “waving” to a tourist boat before crashing with an almighty splash.

The photographs, taken off the coast of South Africa by marine tour guide Steven Benjamin, captured a sight rarely seen so close.

The 40-tonne humpback put on an incredible aerial display, soaring through the air just metres from a boat as shocked onlookers screamed.

Hello: A humpback whale has breached out of the water off the east coast of South Africa, waving to astonished onlookers on a tour guide’s boat.

Having fun like a whale: The humpback whale had been swimming along the surface of the water, but disappeared for 20 minutes before suddenly jumping out of the ocean.

Flying fish: The stunning footage was captured by Steven Benjamin, a marine tour guide who happened to have his camera with him at the crucial moment.

The 31-year-old, who was documenting the migration of more than 1,000 whales from the coast of South Africa to the warmer waters of Mozambique and Madagascar, watched as the whale floated in the ocean.

Benjamin thought the humpback’s show was over after 20 minutes of hiding underwater, but it suddenly popped its entire body out of the water, extending a fin to onlookers before plunging back down, creating a huge splash.

The giant creature was clearly enjoying itself as the marine tour guide watched from the safety of a boat off Port St John in South Africa’s Eastern Cape province.

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